Duxday ’24

What a fantastic day Duxday 2024 was for all of Duxford! It was a fun day out for all the family, and the free childrens entertainment went down very well with everyone, so a massive thank you to Huntman and the DCC for their donations to make this possible. We have had noting but positive feedback from the groups and organisations saying that they have made money, raised awareness and in some cases, gain new members so a fantasitc sucess!

Here are some photos from the day and if you have any you  would like adding to the duxfest website please do share them with us! See the Contact Us page.

Many thanks to those who attended, the stall holders and especially to all who helped out organising, setting up and clearing away! 

If you would like to join the committee and be a part of Duxfest 2025 please let us know!

Best wishes,

Lizzie and the DCC Event Committee